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Before you go to your inbox I wanna talk to you about something important...
Did you know there’s one mistake people make when they want to find out the development potential of a site anywhere in the country?
…and it’s the one that makes people spend THOUSANDS in wasted money and months and years of wasted time.
It’s the one they throw money at and put the fate of their property ambitions into someone else’s hands…
…but they have NO IDEA that it’s possible they can do this one thing that can be the reason their research turns into development plans that succeed…or fail if they don’t do it.
Sound dramatic? Well, it is a bit dramatic.
But there’s a reason for my flair for the theatrical.
If you get this process right…you can have a property research system that churns out winner after winner, in any part of the country, that you can use for the rest of your life.
Get it wrong…and you’ll be fighting an uphill battle for the entirety of your property business…or for however long you have the stomach for it.
So what is this one thing?
The planning industry is a funny business.
And it’s an area that other property courses gloss over when they talk about how they “found” development value in a site.
Your success with planning sets the tone for the entire success of your property investing career. Your success with it dictates whether your development plans fly through the planning application process unscathed…
…or whether you get locked in years and years of planning battles that leave you with no money left and wondering why you started with property in the first place.
I have seen it so many times.
And it really is that important.
But I have some good and bad news for you.
Bad news is that the site assessment template I just gave you may not be of much use to you if you don’t apply it correctly to your site or property.
Good news is…if you apply it correctly, you’ll be able to confidently research the development potential of sites in any part of the country.
And the even better news is I’ve already built a process where you can follow along the exact process I use to find out whether a site will be a planning dud… or a planning success.
In fact, I’m going to walk you through every stage of the process from finding and assessing a site all the way through to how to ultimately get planning permission for your project… so you can see for yourself how a planning officer thinks… like I once was.
Simply follow along with me and you can transform your property research in the next couple of hours.
Over the course of my 10+ year planning career I have assessed over 500 sites…both as a planning consultant and (more importantly for you) a planning officer. I’ve assessed residential & commercial sites - and my assessments have shown me what is possible on a site and how to go about getting planning permission for it…
And I’ve found a simple formula that works…so I turned into a simple follow-along process that you can copy so you can turn your site assessments into a simple repeatable process.
I’m giving you this training that you can profit from for the rest of your life…no matter where your site is in the country.
So what am I gonna charge you to follow along with me?
Well, I charge £200 per hour when I consult for clients. (Yes, I actually charge that…it’s not some made-up price anchor number.)
Obviously I’m not gonna charge that cuz I didn’t record this training specifically for you and your business. I’m not gonna charge hundreds of pounds for it. (Even though I have clients who have made well over 5 and 6 figures from the advice I give.)
I’m gonna make this wayyyyy less than you’d think because I have a not-so-secret motive…I want you to buy my other products so that I can further help you on your site-finding and property investing journey.
This is my way of showing you how good my content is and display what I call “Feelings In Advance.” I want you to get the feeling of using the template, and the Follow Along training, so you can find REAL development potential in the REAL world…once you’ve done that you’ll be hooked. (That’s the idea at least.)
So all I’m gonna charge you for this Follow Along video is a measly £27.
That’s the cost of a few coffees or drinks at the bar. Or a couple months of Netflix.
You get it, it’s not much money.
All you have to do is click the button below and you’ll get instant access to the Follow Along ASAP. That way you’ve added a huge tool to your property research process within the next couple of hours.
No reason to wait…if you don’t like the follow along just send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll send you a refund.
Just do me a favour and test it before you pass any judgement. There’s a reason for the template and Follow Along where you can watch the process in real time…they WORK. And they’ve worked on countless different sites up and down the country. From rural, to urban and suburban, to residential sites, sites in conservation areas, and a whole lot more.
Grab yours now…because I don’t know how long I’ll do this for.
That’s not some false scarcity stuff. Sometimes I turn my attention to other projects. I can’t guarantee this will be available forever. (It might be, but I really don’t know.)
So if you’re on this page right now you may as well grab the Follow Along training and test it out.
Use them for your own properties or use them for a client.
Here's some testimonials in case you're wondering…
“My only regret is not finding him sooner on my journey. If I think back to the start, having someone like Ian to learn from would have been so incredible and would have shaved literal months off the learning curve”
- Scott McQuade
“Ian teaches a proven methodology to use the planning system to identify development opportunities and maximise profits on any given site. Given the complex nature of the national planning framework and local development plans, Ian’s approach demystifies the complex regulations. The case studies in the lectures demonstrate how to identify the most important planning regulations to your particular development.”
- Chris Secc
“I joined the group run by Ian and soon discovered the wealth of experience he has concerning all matters to do with planning. Ian’s knowledge acquired over many years of professional experience was self-evident.”
- Arshad Kamal
“Thanks again for including me in the planning deep dive, I did find it really valuable. I am particularly interested in PD, but this has opened my eyes to the potential of other planning gain opportunities that fall outside of PD.”
- Leanne Davidson
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, I'm offering my normal guarantee. If you actually USE the training and templates and aren't happy with the results just show me your completed work and I'll refund you. This isn't a "no-questions-asked" guarantee. I want you to actually use the training and templates and test them.