-The 3 things you must know before you approach ANY property. (Without these you're just operating on hope and might. It might work. It might not.)
-The secret planning tool that even the Council doesn't know about. (And why knowing how it works can give you the upper hand)
-The single most important factor to consider when picking an investment location. (Hint: It’s hiding in plain sight.)
-How to use advanced techniques to dig up everything you need to outsmart the planners. (No one tells you this)
-How to strategically leverage permitted development rights to maximise your development potential without lengthy applications.
-How to learn from real-life case studies to see what worked, what didn’t, and how to apply these lessons to your own properties.
-The insider’s guide to how decisions are made. (And why a refusal may be the best thing that ever happened to you)
-How to avoid common pitfalls around permitted development rights and article 4 directions
-The secret to spotting development potential before the competition even knows it exists.
You'll get all of the above when you get the Intensive option.
Plus...You'll get direct access to me during weekly live calls where I'll answer your specific questions (worth more than hiring a consultant at £200/hour).
Between the basic and the intensive, you’re basically getting to see how to quickly assess a constant conveyor belt of investment opportunities, with a planning officer by your side, that will be the life blood of your portfolio.
You can get the weekly calls plus the basic package for just £497.
Or you can get the basic package for just £197.
When you get the Intensive training you get everything you get in the £197 offer...for just £300 more.
In my opinion, it's one of the best offers I've ever made. Hopefully you feel the same way.
This method works for just about any property type.
It doesn't matter if you're interested in residential or commercial.
It doesn't matter if you go for small extensions to homes or big commercial conversion developments.
The principles and strategies stay the same.
One final note: If you don't feel equipped to analyse a site's potential after 30 days, I'll refund every penny. No questions asked.
I know what I'm teaching works. If you DO what I teach, you will find development value far beyond the cost of this course.
If you don't, you won't.
If you're serious about unlocking some major money hidden within properties then this is for you. If not, don't get it.
One successful planning application could pay for this course 100 times over. The value here is massive.
So if that scares you, please don't buy. This isn’t for you.
But if you understand the value of what I'm providing here - just pick your option below and let's get started.
I recommend doing the £497 option - but that's just my biased opinion.
Look, a single failed planning application can cost you thousands.
Not to mention the lost opportunity costs and time wasted.
This is your chance to see behind the curtain. To understand exactly how planning officers think and what makes us tick.
Don't let another potentially profitable development slip through your fingers because you're playing the planning game blind.
Click below to join the Insider Planning Secrets Intensive now.