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Train yourself to join the top 1% of property investors in the next 30 days - by learning the planning system... from the inside

Rapidly hard-wire how to navigate the planning system to turn other people's blind spots into your opportunity. 

Join now

Want to know why some property developers seem to get everything approved while others waste thousands on failed applications?

Most developers are playing a rigged game. They're burning cash on consultants who've never sat on the other side of the table, following outdated "best practices" that make planning officers roll their eyes.

These aren't just the standard tricks developers use to get approval. This is the inside knowledge that only planning officers know - the exact triggers that make us say "yes" to applications that should be rejected.

Here's the truth - most property investors are playing a guessing game with planning permission. They're throwing money at consultants and crossing their fingers, hoping something sticks.

I was that planning consultant once. Charging astronomical fees while barely understanding the system myself.

Then I did something that raised eyebrows in the industry...

I jumped the fence and became a planning officer.

And it changed everything.

I'm Ian Gracie, and I've spent years on both sides of the planning permission battlefield. First as a clueless consultant, then as the guy actually making the decisions inside the council.

Something strange happened.

The skills I learnt in my first 3 months as a planning officer were worth more than 3 YEARS in private consultancy.

Because I saw firsthand why applications succeed or fail. The subtle differences between a quick approval and a costly rejection.

Listen, you could:

  • Keep throwing money at consultants who guess their way through applications
  • Waste months on strategies that planning officers secretly hate
  • Risk your entire development on outdated advice


You could let me show you exactly how the system works from the inside. Every trigger, every loophole, every strategy I used to approve applications that technically should have failed.

In my new Insider Planning Secrets Intensive, you'll discover:

  • Why 90% of refused applications fail before they're even submitted
  • The secret assessment method officers use that isn't in any guidebook
  • How to spot development potential that others miss completely
  • The exact process I used to approve "impossible" applications
  • How to think like a planning officer so you can see opportunity everywhere you go
  • The exact strategies that are working today no matter what property you invest in.
  • How to do all this for yourself.

Over the next 30 days I’ll show you how to find which types of properties have development potential, anywhere in the country, without any technical mumbo-jumbo or ever having to speak to a planning officer … just simple, proven, and super-clear steps delivered to you from a planning “insider”.

By the end of the 30 days, or maybe even sooner, you’ll know more than 99.9% when it comes to planning so that you can spot opportunities before the competition.

I've never created a pure "how to leverage the planning system course” before. This is the course that will teach that.

After all, it doesn't matter if you have hundreds of investment properties in front of you, if you don’t know their development potential how can you choose which one is best to pick?

I've only taught this in the past to a handful of people in my Goldmine Discovery course that was £2,000.

There are two ways to get the course

Option 1: The "Insider" Planning Secrets Basic Course

-The 3 things you must know before you approach ANY property. (Without these you're just operating on hope and might. It might work. It might not.)

-The secret planning tool that even the Council doesn't know about. (And why knowing how it works can give you the upper hand)

-The single most important factor to consider when picking an investment location. (Hint: It’s hiding in plain sight.)

-How to use advanced techniques to dig up everything you need to outsmart the planners. (No one tells you this)

-How to strategically leverage permitted development rights to maximise your development potential without lengthy applications.

-How to learn from real-life case studies to see what worked, what didn’t, and how to apply these lessons to your own properties.

-The insider’s guide to how decisions are made. (And why a refusal may be the best thing that ever happened to you)

-How to avoid common pitfalls around permitted development rights and article 4 directions

-The secret to spotting development potential before the competition even knows it exists.

Option 2: The "Insider" Planning Secrets Intensive

You'll get all of the above when you get the Intensive option.

Plus...You'll get direct access to me during weekly live calls where I'll answer your specific questions (worth more than hiring a consultant at £200/hour).

Between the basic and the intensive, you’re basically getting to see how to quickly assess a constant conveyor belt of investment opportunities, with a planning officer by your side, that will be the life blood of your portfolio. 

You can get the weekly calls plus the basic package for just £497.

Or you can get the basic package for just £197.

When you get the Intensive training you get everything you get in the £197 offer...for just £300 more.

In my opinion, it's one of the best offers I've ever made. Hopefully you feel the same way.

This method works for just about any property type.

It doesn't matter if you're interested in residential or commercial.

It doesn't matter if you go for small extensions to homes or big commercial conversion developments.

The principles and strategies stay the same.

One final note: If you don't feel equipped to analyse a site's potential after 30 days, I'll refund every penny. No questions asked.

I know what I'm teaching works. If you DO what I teach, you will find development value far beyond the cost of this course.

If you don't, you won't.

If you're serious about unlocking some major money hidden within properties then this is for you. If not, don't get it.

One successful planning application could pay for this course 100 times over. The value here is massive.

So if that scares you, please don't buy. This isn’t for you.

But if you understand the value of what I'm providing here - just pick your option below and let's get started.

I recommend doing the £497 option - but that's just my biased opinion.

Look, a single failed planning application can cost you thousands.

Not to mention the lost opportunity costs and time wasted.

This is your chance to see behind the curtain. To understand exactly how planning officers think and what makes us tick.

Don't let another potentially profitable development slip through your fingers because you're playing the planning game blind.

Click below to join the Insider Planning Secrets Intensive now.